Category Archives: News
Print to pdf on Linux
Well how to add the function to print to file [pdf] found on Windows and great for grabbing information presented for print to email etc …… Install printer driver cups pdf ! available in mint via the software manager It’s … Continue reading
Grub Issue
Well the issue is that after adding a new monitor grub displays on the old monitor 1st, no problem except that the old monitor isn’t always on……. Landed up being an odd solution as forcing the grub menu onto another … Continue reading
When you re-build a server the 1st couple of times you really have to nail your mind into overdrive… There is just so much to remember and sooooo many settings. Then you do it a few times and each time … Continue reading
Dash-cam Problems
Well it goes like this…. Near miss in the car go to review footage and multiple failed write files. OK first thought is the ultra small lithium battery is failing as it’s a few years old. So look into the … Continue reading
Slowly fault finding OS
First after a close down the pc plays a game with the graphics severely degraded…. We go back in time and check and the game is fine…. Third time now trying to isolate the exact upgrade that is causing the … Continue reading
PC or OS fail.
Well just after updating the three OS’s on one pc the board decides to throw a hardware fault. Long story short looks like a component failure on the motherboard….. So what does that mean? One less Windows PC! not due … Continue reading
Just had the postman try and force a parcel into my external metal letterbox to the point where he bent the box! Now the graphics card contained in the parcel freezes my pc! What annoys me is that I was … Continue reading
Well 1st time fault – limited range dhcp server ….fell over and took the management console with it! So reduced the lease time and increased the range.. well slightly never like leaving too many free ip’s force of habit 🙂 … Continue reading
LED Spools
I guess not all LED spool suppliers are the same …. Outside of the spool – looks cool – first couple of meters are fine then….. WTF the backing is torn and pokes out of the waterproof! – not just … Continue reading
SEO always an odd science. Just found that the site has lost two other similar websites – a real pity as both were pre-Covid businesses. Then found that a new technology has stolen our thunder. Never would have guessed that … Continue reading