Author Archives: dbj
led keyboards
Amazed at the number of light up pc keyboards on eBay that are advertised specifically for the UK but with American layout. As they only have the $ key and that’s instead of having a £ key does that mean … Continue reading
mint 20.1
Just pulled the trigger to upgrade to Linux Mint 20.1 the files are downloading… the paints still wet! looking forward to the new extras… Well that was painless – a few clicks and all sorted.
http or https
Well the test begins now…. Which is best http or https? I would like to say https providing it is still fair to the short of pocket who are still genuine in intent. Just entered stage one of testing to … Continue reading
I am still amazed at the sheer number of attacks that consist of trying to login as :- user admin “sitename” 123 login they all get banned …. but still amazing that there are scripts out there trying that?????? been … Continue reading
Odd experience today…. Buying “best value” oil sump plug removal tool set….. Land up removing a mowers drain plug with Bluepoint tools…. 2nd best make I’ve owned! Seems odd but all power to Bluepoint known quality brand at a price … Continue reading
Cycling Lubricants
Just resorted to buying a motorcycle chain lubricant as it is cheaper than any mountain bicycle equivalent. I am puzzled if the lubricant on an off road motorcycle chain is cheaper than a mainly on-road mountain bike? I guess cycling … Continue reading
Windows 10 update
Windows 10 update between 1909 and 2004 on Home version 64 bit – If you’re totally stuck as I was….. Having had the update look on several occasions I downloaded the Media Creation Tool and mad a Windows 10 64 … Continue reading
Finally got the joys of Clonezilla up and running on multiple PC’s. Actually worth the effort when a normal install is about 12 hours of slog mostly typing in the terminal window. Just over 3gb per minute over sata is … Continue reading
to Script or not to Script
Back to playing with the odd scripts again. It it both joyful – when they work! and frustrating – when you can’t see why they don’t. I do want to know whether it is good brain stimuli though as it … Continue reading
Time – Effort
Just spent the best part of three days working out that I’d looked in the wrong place! When you run the server sometimes you just have to be the site user to see some of the settings. I just spent … Continue reading