When you go to use the compressor to remove dust from your PC and it hisses before you press the blower! Time to investigate the cylinder is way too small and the pump also too small to waste air – apart from which leaky air connectors annoy me! Sounds like its coming form the main compressor quick release – no hang on its further away? Split plastic pipe!
OK now to investigate – cut the offending piece of pipe off first that has to go no matter what. Turns out its a barb fitting with an spring over the top to prevent breaks at the join – one carpet Stanley later and the remaining pipe is removed from the barb. Drop the end of the pipe into boiling water for a couple of mins to soften it slightly and its all back on the barb – refit the nut and spring and the connection is back up and running.
Five minutes later allowing the air to cool (drops the water to the tank – don’t want to spray a computer with water!) and then the PC is cleaned – remembering to chock fans so they don’t spin… Dusty kitchen clean PC!